Just because you did it…

doesn’t mean you’re guilty.

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Do I Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer?

 Patrick J. Benca Has Joined Our Pride.


  • Have you been asked to come “just answer a few questions” down at the station?
  • Have you been arrested?
  • Do you think you still might be?

Orange isn’t your color.

We won’t ask if you did it. Like the headline says at the top of the page, just because you did it, doesn’t mean you’re guilty. That is to say, your guilt — or innocence — isn’t relevant to the question of whether the State can prove its case under the law. 

Even if you are completely innocent, do not talk to the police before you talk to a lawyer. Why? Police interviewers are very good at what they do — and you may innocently say something that will come back to haunt you later.

We can help with DUI/DWI, felonies, misdemeanors, State and Federal courts, appeals, probation, sealing records and more.

Yes, you really do need a lawyer.

Many innocent people are serving time in prison, because mistakes happen. Criminal charges are extremely serious and missteps in the process often cannot be repaired. You need an aggressive, experienced, and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to guide you, and as soon as possible.

Our job is to know the legal system inside and out, and to use our legal skills to get the best outcome for you — whether that’s through negotiation or in the courtroom. 


There are a variety of appeals tied to criminal cases. If you are convicted of a felony by a judge or jury, you have the right to a “direct appeal.” On this appeal, motions that were made on your behalf and denied by the trial court will be considered by the appellate court. Then you have “post-conviction appeals,” which include ineffective assistance, prosecutorial misconduct, and newly discovered evidence. No matter what kind of appeal you need, Lion Legal has an experienced team of Appellate Attorneys that can help.

Lion Legal is your Arkansas criminal defense law firm.

Our attorneys are experts in criminal defense law, and are here for you with straight talk, predictable fees, and superior services.

We promise to tell you what the most likely outcome is up front, and to be open and transparent in our communications with you until your case is resolved.

Most of our clients spend between $2,500+ and $5,000+ on their criminal-related legal issues — which is less than half the average cost of a criminal defense lawyer in Arkansas. Misdemeanor cases start at $2,500+ and felonies start at $3,500+. 

Our approach to practicing law is revolutionizing the way law firms deliver legal services. Call Lion Legal today.

Get a Lion in Your Corner

The criminal defense team at Lion Legal are experts in criminal law, and have experience working as public defenders and prosecutors, too.

Our reputation – and the future of our law practice – depends on how well we do that job for you.

Lion Legal — Roaring to the Rescue!

Criminal Defense Services

Select from the links below for more information about some of the criminal defense services we offer.

The Law of the Jungle is changing.

Lion Legal is making it happen.
That's why we're the Legal Pride of Arkansas.

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