Roaring is Included.

Biting is Extra.

This is the logo of Lion Legal Services, the Law Firm for Working Arkansans.

Is Lion Legal the right law firm for you? Find out today. Schedule a complimentary phone interview now.

Do I Need A Family Lawyer?

Nothing beats family – and ex-family – when it comes to knowing how to push your buttons.

Family Law is also called Domestic Law or Domestic Relations. These terms are interchangeable, and generally refer to any and all legal issues that have to do with your family or ex-family.

This is our largest area of practice at Lion Legal, and we handle hundreds of family related cases a year through our office. We would love to earn your business. 

  • Divorce & Legal Separation 
  • Paternity, Child custody & Child Support
  • Contempt 
  • Adoption
  • Guardianship
  • Qualified Domestic Relations Orders 
  • Orders of Protection 
  • Prenuptial Agreements

We pride ourselves on realistic, aggressive advice to support our clients.

Lion Legal has the experience and desire to help you solve your family issues as stress-free as possible, while obtaining the best result possible. 

There is a reasonable solution to every custody and child support matter, without court. The only time court should be required, is if the other party is being unreasonable. Reasonableness is not weakness.

We are trial hardened lawyers with years of trial experience. We know our way around a courtroom, and if court is required, we play to win. 

With over forty years combined experience, you couldn’t be in better hands.

What can a family lawyer do for me?

Just because you are allowed to represent yourself, does not make it a good idea.

As with any profession, lawyers train and educate themselves, and use their experience and knowledge to guide you through the process and get the best result. You can search your plumbing issue on Youtube, and probably make it worse trying to DIY fix it, or you can call a trained, knowledgeable plumber, and save time, stress, and money.

The law is complicated, and going to court is not a walk in the park. 

Most often, for family legal matters, you’ll be better off with an experienced and proven Arkansas family lawyer as your guide through the unfamiliar terrain of the legal process.

Give us a call today to discuss if you need a lawyer for your family issue. 


Has your trial come to an end, but you feel the court got it wrong? Are you questioning the methodology of the trial, and the results of your verdict? If so, you may have grounds to appeal. Even when we were not your trial attorneys, Lion Legal can and will evaluate your matter for appellate and post trial options. No matter what kind of appeal you may need, Lion Legal has an experienced team of Appellate Attorneys that can help.

Lion Legal is your Arkansas family law firm.

Our attorneys are experts in family law, and are here for you with straight talk, predictable fees, and superior services.

We promise to tell you what the most likely outcome is up front, and to be open and transparent in our communications with you until your case is resolved.Family Law & Domestic Issues 1

A common estimated retainer range for cases in our Probate, Family, Civil, and Real Estate/Business Divisions is $3,000-$5,000. To read more about our billing process, check out our
Billing Philosophies page. 

Our approach to practicing law is revolutionizing the way law firms deliver legal services.
Call Lion Legal today.

The Law of the Jungle is changing.

Lion Legal is making it happen.
That's why we're the Legal Pride of Arkansas.

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To display awards won by Lion Legal Services