Supervised Visitation
Safe, Dignified, Compassionate

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Supervised Visitation
Our Lion Lawyers handle hundreds of family-related legal cases annually, representing parents being supervised and folks whose co-parent is supervised. We understand the unique stress of supervised visitation on the parents and the children and recognize the dramatic significant lack of qualified supervised visitation services available in Arkansas, which is why Lion Legal offers professional supervision services.
Lion Legal provides supervision you can trust – prioritizing the safety of your children, dignity for the parents, and compassion for the circumstances.
The Million-Dollar Question
When supervision of visitation is ordered by a Court, the million-dollar question is: who supervises? In-laws, ex-in-laws, family friends? Securing volunteer supervisors is difficult for parties because of availability and liability – “friend/family” supervisors are often hesitant to accept the liability of following court orders and submitting themselves to potential contempt proceedings if something goes wrong. Courts, lawyers, and ad litem attorneys are often hesitant to use volunteer supervisors because, no matter how well-intentioned, no one is completely neutral, and no one trusts someone associated with the other side in a custody case – the appearance of impartiality is impossible to overcome.
Customizable Sight & Sound Supervision
Lion Legal Supervision is completely customizable to specific court orders and circumstances. Our supervisors are background checked, drug tested, and trained in-house, most with child related experience already, such as foster parents, teachers, and
juvenile probation officers. A written factual report is distributed to all involved parties after each visit, and supervisors will testify at any party’s or attorney’s request.
Availability & Pricing
Lion Legal Sight and Sound Supervision is available state-wide, on weekends, evenings and holidays, at our offices, private homes, or public places, such as parks, restaurants, bowling alleys, and even pedicure outings.
If Lion Legal has ever represented one of the parents, then we cannot typically provide visitation services; however, our Ad Litem and Supervised Visitation Services coordinate well together. For information about our Attorney Ad Litem services, click here.
Visitation Supervisors are court-ordered and must be agreed upon by the parties and their lawyers, otherwise the court will choose if the parties cannot agree. Before having Lion Legal appointed, please check with us to confirm calendar availability and potential conflicts.
Starting at $75/hour, our services are the most affordable supervised visitation services in Arkansas. There is a one-time $250 administrative fee, and mileage is charged to clients at the federal reimbursement rate. Our rates include the administrative time scheduling supervision sessions, so long as parties schedule sessions at least two days in advance (or by Wednesday for weekend
and holiday sessions).
Call or email us at [email protected] to schedule your supervision sessions today.
The Law of the Jungle is changing.
Lion Legal is making it happen.
That's why we're the Legal Pride of Arkansas.
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